Rapala World Record 468x60
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Well, here we go. I have a client that wants to fish this friday/saturday and I find myself back in that familiar place, coming up with a game plan (and 3 backup plans, LOL). The idea is to head to Catalina and find some gosh darn bait! Sheesh, the stuff is just playing hard to get and its making catching an exotic very difficult. Either way we have some really good frozen for hook baits and some stink frozen for chum, so at least I will leave the starting gate locked and loaded. Every call is SO MUCH more important now, and I am scrutinizing every last detail for clues of some fish to sit on and coax into a bite. The client is one of those guys that can hook seabass all day long on 50# flouro, so I think I will bring my 12# (always do anyways). That way I can at least hook one and get a workout, running round and round the boat waiting for the axe to fall. Anyways, I just wanted to give you guys some insight into what I go through when planning a trip. I will lay awake tonight running over different scenarios and what to do in each one. Actually running the boat and seeing with my own eyes once I'm there is easier than the planning. Hopefully I will have some good news and fresh seabass fillets when I return late saturday evening.

Captain Jeff Jones
Good luck! Last time you got a home guard! Do it again buddy!!

right on man good luck and safe trip. if the boat gets done friday i may try and run out....
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
good luck out there
Get em Capt Jeff. Take lots of pics.
Eat what you kill !

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