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Smoke Rainbow Trout.
With the trout season in full swing I thought I throw this recipe out at ya.

First you will need to catch ya some trout. Caught these two weeks ago, limited out for the whole family


After ya gut and headed the trout. Butter fly it open. Then you gonna need to brine it, or it will dry out during smoke process.

Here what I put in my fish brine, also work with other meat.

1 tsp All spice
1/2 cup Brown sugar
1 tbls Onion Powder
1 tbls Garlic Powder
1/2 cup Course salt
1/4 tso Cayenne
2 tbls Lemon juice
1/2 gallon Water

It easier if you mix everything with hot water to dissolved everything, then add cold water. Make sure brine is cold before adding trout.
Let set in fridge for 4hrs
Take fish out of brine and rinse off with cold water
Pat it dry with paper towel
Put dry fillet back in fridge

Now time for the rub.

1/2 tbls Garlic powder
1/2 tsp Black pepper
1 tbls Chili power
1/2 tbls Coriander
1/2 tbls Salt
1 tsp Cumin
1 tbls Paprika
1/2 tbls Oregano
1 tbls Brown sugar

Lighty season fish
Preheat smoker to 190 - 220. I like to use apple wood in my somker.
Smoke fish for 3 hrs, or til done

Should look like this after an hour or so


This is the color you want to look for when done. You can take it out sooner or leave in longer depending on how smokey ya like it.


That it for now. No fish report but hope this is use full to some of ya out trout fishing.. Cool

Oatums <((((><
Eat what you kill !
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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