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Has to stop
Despite admitting that Sons of Guns has enjoyed “pretty solid ratings,” Discovery Channel spokeswoman Laurie Goldberg indicated to the New York Times that the show would not get the green light for a new season.
“All I can say is, it is not on the schedule and it is not on the schedule in the near future,” said Goldberg, responding “There is no data that I am aware of,” when asked if the show had been renewed.
Sons of Guns is a reality show that centers around Red Jacket Firearms, a Louisiana-based company that manufactures custom firearms. The show occasionally features gun-enthusiast celebrities such as Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, who recently appeared on the program to test fire a fully automatic M4 assault rifle.
In addition to the demise of Sons of Guns, the Discovery Channel also announced that firearms enthusiast and musician Ted Nugent would not be returning to the channel in any form.
“After Friday’s devastating massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the spokesperson said that Nugent would definitely not be returning to the Discovery Channel,” reports Raw Story,despite claims by Nugent and the NRA that his one hour special, Ted Nugent’s Gun Country, was set to be made into a regular series and that “there will be at least a dozen shows a year.”
As we reported on Monday, the Discovery Channel announced that the popular reality show American Guns will not return for a third season, following complaints that it was “inappropriate” to broadcast the program in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings because it made “buying/owning guns seem fun, glamorous, even normal.”
A Discovery Channel spokesperson added that the fallout from the massacre “has really started something,” and that even repeats of the show would not be aired.
In targeting pro-gun shows that teach people how to exercise their rights for cancellation, the Discovery Channel has taken a firm stance against the second amendment and is implying that the mere discussion of guns is now off limits.

Read more at http://marketdailynews.com/2012/12/19/di...7I33Ta5.99
What happen is sad, cigarettes kills way more than guys. Dip shits

Guess I will no longer be watching this channel
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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